Thursday, October 31, 2019

Why did I closed down my business Personal Statement

Why did I closed down my business - Personal Statement Example Therefore, lack of focus led to closure of the business. Second reason behind the closing down of the business is lack of trust on the individual skills which are required to run the business to greater heights. Successful entrepreneurs are goal oriented and have internal interest towards the tasks that they undertake (Nieuwenhuizen 2009, p. 9). Business has a varying results and it’s the mandate of the manager to know how to deal with the situations when they arise. Fear of failure is the reason behind the closure of the business as there was a mentality of personal failure in the future. When managing a business that a person does not own a manager is shielded from losses as they go to the stockholders rather than the management (Nieuwenhuizen, 2009, p. 17). Business needs planning and forecasting for it to prosper. An individual entrepreneur who poorly plans for his/her business is likely to be attracted to other opportunities that make him lose focus towards the main goal of achieving success in running the business (Nieuwenhuizen, 2009, p. 9). This was the case as there was poor planning for the future which made you to lose focus when an enticing opportunity

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Why Fiction Stories Are Important to Society Essay Example for Free

Why Fiction Stories Are Important to Society Essay When we are young we read a lot of children’s stories, or have them read to us by our parents or at school. A lot of these stories are entertaining but they can also be used as a catalyst to teach young children about morals and values. For instance, a favourite of mine is Horton Hears a Who, by Doctor Seuss. This particular story is about equality and tolerance of difference, Horton says, â€Å"a persons a person no matter how small. We could have instead sat a young child down and told them all about the Holocaust, slavery and the many other unjust acts of discrimination around the world and why it is wrong – but a child wouldn’t understand and even they did, it would be cruel to expose a child to this kind of information. This is one reason why fiction is so important; it allows information and ideas to be accessible to a larger audience. The two films we have been studying this year, Born on the Forth of July and Gallipoli are both based on actual events. Why then weren’t these stories presented as a documentary? So many other films do the same thing. Why? When we take real events and work them into a fiction or semi fiction story there are certain aspects of the events that can then be manipulated or emphasised to have a greater effect on the audience, but also to direct the audience towards an intended or dominant reading of the text. In the movie Born on the fourth of July, we follow the story of Ron Kovic from his innocent youth, to an extremely patriotic teenager, his time in Vietnam and then see his transformation into a protester of war. The movie stays very close to actual events except for two distinct adaptations. While in Vietnam Kovic shoots down a fellow marine, Wilson. In the film he later confesses to the Wilson family of this. However this is scene has been invented. In this scene we see Kovic’s face through a close up camera shot, his anguish, pain and guilt of his mistake are evident. We are then transported into his memory of the event; the slow motion and daunting music create a funeral atmosphere. By being subjected to Kovic’s emotion so bluntly through the close up camera shot and then to see how he remembers the tragedy with such regret, a sense of Kovic’s conflict with himself is created and we cant help but to sympathise with him. Further more, we then see the members of Wilson’s family, his mother and father and widowed wife and son. We see them separately, also through close up camera shots to emphasise their emotions, the horror of realisation at what Kovic is saying and then extreme pain of loosing their loved one. The extreme pain of loss is confirmed when Wilson’s wife says to Kovic, â€Å"I can never forgive you, maybe the lord can. † The Wilson family cannot forgive Kovic however we admire his honesty. By creating this scene we are exposed to some of the after effects of war, grief stricken families, this builds on the anti war theme. More so this scene also shows us that veterans of war are just as much victims as those that died because we have scene the conflict Kovic has with himself and our sympathy towards Kovic is strengthened. The other adaptation of the story is Kovic’s high school sweetheart, Donna. We meet Donna in Kovic’s childhood; their affection for each other is carried throughout their teenage years. The high school prom is created to present to the audience the idea of ‘young love’ between Donna and Kovic, particularly Kovic’s feelings for her. It is evident when we see Kovic’s outburst of anger when he finds out Donna is going with someone else, due to a misunderstanding, and then confirmed as he runs through the rain on the night of the prom, purely so he can dance with Donna before he is dispatched. The music, especially the song ‘Moon River,’ heightens the dreamy, starry eyed, mood. We meet Donna again when Kovic returns from Vietnam. Here she is epresentative of the uprising antiwar movement in America. In one scene Kovic tells Donna, â€Å"I made a promise to myself that I would come back and love you forever. â€Å" However, it becomes clear that there will be no future for Donna and Kovic, perhaps because of the time in which Kovic was at war or because of the paralysis he returned with. Either way it is heartbreaking to see; the chronological structuring of the film and early development of Kovic’s feelings for Donna aids the strong emotional effect that this loss of love and loss of the future Kovic hoped for has on us. Here we can see that by adding fictional sections to actual events the impact on the audience can be heightened because we are subjected to scenes, characters and conflict, which have been carefully crafted to have a direct impact on our emotions. The film Gallipoli shows much of the conditions and events that soldiers endured during world war one, but more so is a display of the nature of events which lead to warfare and hence the death of many young Australian men. Aspects such as propaganda, social pressure, mate ship and patriotism are criticized for wrongly influencing these men to join the war effort. We are also presented with ideas about the lack of food, arms and poor medical treatment. At the end of the film we see the inevitable tragedy at Gallipoli, which we are most confronted with by the death of Archie Hamilton, the protagonist. His character was inspired by C. E. W. Beans Official History of Australia in the War of 1914–1918 describing Private Wilfred Harper during the attack at the Nek, Wilfred was last seen running forward like a schoolboy in a foot-race, with all the speed he could compass. However the effect of Archie’s death would not have been as powerful and therefore would not have worked as effectively to confirm the ideas about world war one if it were not for the development of Archie, despite being inspired from history is a fictional character, throughout the film. In the exposition we are introduced to Archie and his identity begins to take shape. We know Archie is a young Australian boy, this is established not only by the written code, ‘Western Australia 1915,’ by also by the wide-angle long shots of the country. Immediately the dominant audience, Australians, begin to relate to Archie. This is reinforced by the display of other Australian values such as competitiveness when Archie, running on foot races back to the home gate against a man on horse back. Throughout this scene we hear the music Oxygene by Jean Michel Jarre, which appears in numerous other running scenes throughout the movie. Sections of this running scene are shown through long shot with the use of panning, this emphasis the incredible distance of Archie’s run and we admire his strength, determination and his physical pursuit. Archie’s character continues to develop through the story in such a way that we continue to admire and care for him. The use of fictional genre means that Archie’s character can be constructed in such a way to achieve a maximum emotion attachment towards him. In this way his death at Gallipoli impacts our emotions and this pushes us to reflect on and alter our attitudes towards war, the aim of the film. Lastly, I am going to refer to Ray Bradbury’s short story The Pedestrian that is set in the future. Leonard Mead, the main character walks the streets at night in 2052, he’s done so for many years but the streets are always empty. Everyone else is inside fixated on their T. Vs, or as Mr Mead puts it, â€Å"the tombs, ill lit by television light, where the people sat like the dead, the grey or multi-coloured lights touching their faces, but never really touching them. † On this particular night, Mr Mead is stopped by a robotic police car and taken away to the psychiatric centre for research on regressive tendencies. This piece of writing, fiction as it is, is making a statement about technology and its effects on the individual and human society as a whole. This text and many others much like it are extremely thought provoking. In this way we can see that fiction is an important part of our lives. Reading stories like this may prompt people to change their attitudes or even behaviours to help preserve our future. And then there’s the magic of fiction. Take the above story for example; we are transported into the future and bombarded with the strange situation Mr Mead finds himself in. Because of the third person limited point of view, we know what Mr Mead is thinking and feeling – we feel like we are him or at least that we are there with him. His moonlit walk on a cold frosty night; the atmosphere, which he is experiencing, we experience through the tone of the text to be melancholy. Created by the long syntax and relentless metaphors and similes. This imagery can also work to draw us into this imaginary world so that we can see and feel as Mr Mead does, ‘crystal frost in the air; it cut the nose and made the lungs blaze like a Christmas tree inside. † Fiction stories fire our imaginations whether we the writers or the readers. Fiction is enjoyable to read, that in itself is reason enough to say that it is not bunk.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Project Needs in Construction

Project Needs in Construction Construction Methodology Construction Method Statement The Work comprises of construction of New Media Center at Tauranga. Construction work includes site setting up, foundation, piles, concrete work, furniture work, roofing system, brickwork, internal and external wall, doors and windows and ceiling. Delivering new facilities include: Excavation for sub-structure Use machinery for super structure Plumbing and electric fitting The building will have two kitchens, offices, boardroom, meeting rooms, studios, store and car park. The challenges for the development team that are specific to the present project are known as:            Operating safely inside a live setting.            Guaranteeing the maintained existing building is secure and weather tight.            Achieving the standard of construction and craft needed to grasp the Projects style idea and to fulfill the Clients aspirations.            Coordinative and liaising with the shopper throughout the Project to attain the completion date. General Construction methodology starts after getting the project. We have enclosed our intensions and management process of the construction work. We have tried to show all the main stages of the construction work. Planning and Program Construction program management has been made on the computer based software Microsoft project. We have prepared the Gantt chart to reduce and link the task with each other. The chart will be updated regularly as project progresses. So, time can be reduced. Program has been submitted to all the related parties. We have also prepared key dates for the important project work and will try to follow that schedule. Pre-Start Investigation Before starting the work, site will be checked and site layout will be prepared. We will level the site as per the need of the work. Plotting will be made on the ground as per the plan. We will also check the Soil bearing capacity. Also, it is necessary to check the surrounding environment. After all that work construction work will start. Security and Site Establishment Create a job security system before starting the construction work. Spread security awareness among the workers. Contact local police and fire department before commencement of work. Identify the assets and property on-site and track them regularly. Secure perimeter with fencing as first line of defense. Find the suitable place to keep different materials on site so that it cannot get mixed up and work can go easier. Lock up materials, secure vehicles and equipment and install hidden kill switches to disable ignitions. Make the door to prevent unauthorized entry. Assign 24/7 security guard. Also install CCTV wherever necessary. Personal All persons, including works and engineers should gain access to the site prior. And they should maintain basic site rules. Site access and deliveries When any delivery come check before it enters the site, if there is hazardous thing or not. Check the ID of driver and vehicle number as well. Signage Suitable signage should be installed for the safety of workers and the general public around. This may include: Speed Limit Accommodation Danger ahead Report to manager First aid Go slow No entry without permission Toilets Movement and hoisting of materials Vehicle movement of vehicles on site will require permission. Materials should be staked and store in a particular way so good handling of material is possible. Material will be order minimum so no congestion on site will occur. Waste Management While planning of the project waste removal strategies will be discussed. It will be discussed within all the sub-contractors. We propose that waste should be removed from the site on a regular basis and that will be the responsibility of all the contractors related to that type of waste. All sub-contractors will be required to transport and deposit their rubbish by themselves regularly. Site Waste Management Plans (SWMPs) are also necessary. We will try to recycle the materials more and more. Safety Safety on the site is very necessary. All workers will wear safety jackets and helmets. Without safety accessories, no worker will be allowed on site. Safety inspections will also be done on a regular basis. Noise control We try to minimize the noise as possible. On construction sites so many activities are going on parallel. Machines are very huge and makes so much noise, but we will maintain to keep noise below the highest level. Ask environment officers to check the level of noise. Temporary Services Some temporary services are necessary for any construction site Some are listed below which we are going to have on site. Toilets (Male/ Female) Contractors office Entry gate Fencing Meeting room Electricity provision Phone and internet Water provision Etc. Site Layout Construction General Our tender program shows our timing and order of operations necessary to achieve project completion. Starting Work Before starting of the project works, the preliminary site and people safety will take place. For all the work packages, specialized sub-contractors will be appointed. The Contractors offices and welfare facilities will be set up within the site. The temporary fencing, CCTV, Gates are erected round the site before work commences and maintained throughout the Project. Separate site vehicle and pedestrian gates will be provided in the contractors site space. Works related to provide a   new electrical sub-station are scheduled   early within the program to make sure an adequate supply for the new facilities. Temporary borewell or tanker facility will be provided for water need of the site. Kitchen with necessary equipment and facility will be provided in the temporary office. Sub-Structure Excavation of the concrete bases and piles will be undertaken by excavators. The excavation and installation of drainage between the foundations will be done once the wooden pile has been erected. Around that the concrete work will be done. Envelope The roof will commence by putting the roof steel sheet over the rafters. Rafters will be installed over the lintel. Super Structure Load bearing walls will be erected on the floor level. Walls will be weather tight. Insulation will be provided between two plywood sheets. Lintels will be done above the walls. Stairs will be also constructed as per design. There will be also a fireplace with chimney constructed with concrete and brickwork. Mechanical / Electrical Services A detailed installation and delivery schedule will be prepared by the Mechanical and Electrical contractor, as per the structural engineers construction drawings. The high-level pipework above ceiling level will be installed. Installation of light fittings, smoke detectors and fire alarm systems will be coordinated with the ceiling works. Key dates for power and water providing to be offered at intervals the building are known on the program. After installation, special team will test all the services and client will be shown the test results. Handover Temporary items used for fitting will be removed after the installation of all fixtures and fittings. During last two weeks of construction period building will be handed over to the client. Before final hand over each and every room will be cleaned and inspected. The site offices and compound fencing will be also removed during the last two weeks of the project. Temporary site services like offices and telephone line and water connection will be terminated. External Works After construction of main building signage, carpark and cleaning will be done outside the building. For car park, there will be concrete work and kerbs will be also there. All the signage will be put and information board will be also there after the building completes. Post Contract support We will take care of the building during the warranty period as discussed before. If something happens to the building during this time we will maintain it. A special person will also be appointed during this contract period to take care of the building. You can contact him directly if you need some help. Protect the Completed Works The sub-contractors can need to shield all materials and instrumentality to the satisfaction folks. to prevent harm from rain and sun, building activities, or the other cause some throughout the progress of the sub-contract works and till the completion of the Project. Before beginning what level of and the way abundant protection required are mentioned between all the parties. we are going to track and maintain the protection work done by all sub-contractors. Quality and safety are mentioned thoroughly altogether the conferences thus we are able to make sure its as per the contract. Before relinquishing the work we are going to do final examination and checkout to urge 0 defects in construction work for consumer satisfaction. Building drawings, completion time and operation and maintenance manuals are ready and issued to the Contract Administrator, before completion of the works. The followings will be discussed at each internal site meeting; The standing and progress recorded against the contract program Current updated Construction Program with, if necessary, actions for transportation works in line with the development program Weekly labor and plant returns. A rolling schedule of approvals of all styles, particularization and Materials nonetheless to be approved. This schedule is going to be updated on a weekly basis. A schedule of materials and comes factory-made off site, with standings of share factory-made and anticipated delivery dates. CONCLUSION The above methodology statement has been created specifically to demonstrate my understanding of the project needs and therefore the careful methodology needed to hold out a project of this nature. Its not, but all-encompassing and before the commencement of every stage or part of the development work.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Free Grapes of Wrath Essays: Steinbecks Political Agenda :: Grapes Wrath essays

Political Agenda in The Grapes of Wrath The Grapes of Wrath is a movie that was originally a novel by John Steinbeck that exposes the desperate conditions under which the migratory farm families of America during the 1930's live. The movie tells of one family that migrates west to California through the great economic depression of the 1930's. The Joad family had to abandon their home and their livelihoods. They had to uproot and set adrift because tractors were rapidly industrializing their farms along with the erosion of topsoil to create "the Dust Bowl". The bank took possession of their land because the owners could not pay off their loan. The movie shows how the Joad family deals with moving to California, how they survive the cruelty of the landowners that take advantage of them, their poverty and willingness to work. The government, and political figures also abuse their powers to maintain such a lack of balance of power between the workers and businessmen, and yet some branches of the government protect the workers. During the Dust Bowl, hundreds of thousands of southerners faced many hardships, which is the basis of the movie. John Steinbeck wrote this fiction novel to portray the harsh conditions during the Dust Bowl. The Dust Bowl occurred in the mid-west part of America, especially in Oklahoma. Such people in Oklahoma who lost their jobs from the Depression and eventually the Dust Bowl were called "Okies." The mistreatment of the "Okies" in The Grapes of Wrath can be concluded as being valid. During the Red Scare, Americans mistrusted other Americans, especially certain government organizations. When one man was telling the "Okie" group that the pay and jobs are minimal in California, an aristocratic or government official accused the person of being a communist. This represents the hate of the communists in the view of the government. In The Grapes of Wrath, the Californians wanted to rid the "dirty" Okies from California because they were afraid of them. They were afraid that the Okie would take their land. Even the California police beat them for no just reason because they wanted the Okies to leave the state. The police, shown as corrupted thugs, killed Casey because he was "agitating" the public. Certain government organizations were aware of the harsh living and pay conditions that was upon the Joad family, and yet they tried to suppress it.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

The general election of 2002 – Voter apathy

a) Political apathy is when the voters feel disillusioned by the current state of politics. They feel that there is no point in voting because their vote will have no impact. In areas of high Labour support a conservative voter may feel little point in voting because it will have no effect. This means that that person, while still interested in politics, feels that their vote will be worthless and that they can do nothing to change the system. Also as the political parties move closer together in ideologies this means that voters no longer see much of a difference in who they choose to vote for which means they don't really feel the need to vote because it will make no difference and they don't care who is in power because they don't see that it affects them very much. On the very basic level this means that people may not be interested in politics at all. Less and less people watch the news each day, newspaper buying is in decline and the most popular programme is Eastenders. Programmes like Question time and other political debate programmes never get high ratings and this shows a continuing trend. People these days don't care about the government, don't feel that the government effects them, don't see any difference in the government and so don't really care who wins and this all boils down to Political apathy. b) No campaign differences Vote worthlessness Don't like anyone Too busy for something which does not matter. One of the main reasons for low voter turnout could have been the fact that more and more people do not see a difference between the parties. Whilst Labour and the Conservatives claim to have different ideologies their methods of running the country do not vary a great deal. In fact many people do not really notice much of difference from the way the country was run pre-1997 and how it was run afterwards. New Labour is very different to old Labour and thus it occupies the same space as the Conservatives did. This means that people feel that it does not matter who wins the election because nothing really changes for them on a street level. When people feel like that they then see no point in voting. Another small factor could be that Labour supporters felt unhappy at the way labour had acted but could not bring themselves to vote for Conservatives so they decided not to vote at all out of principle. Perhaps the biggest factor is that people feel that there vote won't make a difference. The problem with that is that they are correct. If there is a Labour supporter in a region which is a conservatives area then there is no point in that voting because the vote will not make a difference. That's not just a myth, that is true and people know this. Why take the time and the trouble to vote when it will do nothing. Being armed with this knowledge will mean that people will not bother to vote because they know that 1 vote will not make a difference anywhere. One way to reverse this is to get everyone in England to vote for a party and not for a candidate, which means every vote would be used in getting a party elected. The parties would then be able to win a number of MP's where then put into certain areas. Also in 2001, it is a fact that more people felt that they tough no one really represented what they wanted. This meant that they had no one to vote for and they did not want to vote for another party. This would mean that around 10% of the country had no one to vote for and that is a lot of votes that would not have been cast because of that. Another smaller factor is that people are busier and more stressed than ever these days. Many people may simply have not had had time to go to a polling booth to vote and coupled with the aforementioned facts, people may not have been that bothered to vote anyhow. But it is still true that people may just feel that they don't have enough time to go and vote and so just stay away. One reason, which is similar to another reason, which has been mentioned, is that people did not vote because they were happy with the current govt. If people feel that the current govt. is doing a good job then they don't feel the need to vote against it or to vote for it (the poll's all said Labour were going to win anyway). People were happy with Labour and did not want anyone else so they did not feel the need to vote unlike other instances where people are very unhappy with the state that the country is in and vote to get a new party elected to make some changes. If people are happy with the current govt. then they will not waste voting because they don't need to.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Pregnant Mothers Should Not Drink Alcohol Essay

Experts continue to differ on whether or not it is safe for pregnant mothers to drink alcohol. While others are of the opinion that moderate drinking is risk-free others espouse an extremist stance that even a single drink is a risk that could be too expensive to bear. The latter group believes that any alcohol during pregnancy is a risk. They dogmatically argue that while some governments set regulations to limit the amount of alcohol consumption for mothers-to-be, no amount of alcohol is safe for mothers-to-be and that even the small amount advised can be disastrous to the unborn baby. These ‘extremists’ feel that governments are being complacent on the issue and warn mothers that the only way they can be certain of the health of their unborn babies and protect their dreams is by abstaining from alcohol. â€Å"The only guaranteed safe way is not to drink at all when you are pregnant,† Dr. Raja M. states. Dr. Raja says that one in every 100 babies born is damaged by their mothers drinking while pregnant. He explains that many children who develop behavioral problems due to exposure to alcohol while still in the womb are incorrectly diagnosed as having other conditions such as attention deficit disorder. Alcohol, which is a real culprit, goes unnoticed. (   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In some countries like US and France alcohol beverages carry warming about the potential for damage to unborn children. This is an important step towards sensitization of mothers-to-be on the risks drinking may expose their unborn babies to. Well, other mechanisms should be beefed up to sensitize and prohibit pregnant mothers from drinking alcohol For instance, the government should not depict itself as saying â€Å"have a few drinks and that is alright†. No. Stricter laws and a no-drinking policy for pregnant mothers would be best. (Committee on substance abuse and committee on children with disabilities, 2000:25).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The ‘moderates’ believes that the risks caused by drinking alcohol by pregnant mothers are not as serious as they are made to appear. They want to believe that drinking a little amount of alcohol is safe and harmless. While they agree that alcohol has some negative side effects on unborn babies, they argue that in most cases the risks are ballooned and grossly exaggerated. After all, not all mental retardation cases are caused by prenatal alcohol consumption. And again, some babies whose mothers don’t drink while pregnant are still born with Mental retardation and other similar complications. (Streissguth, 1997:213).   Pregnant mothers adopting such a stance may feel psychologically ‘safe’ to drink while in real sense they are doing irreparable damage to their unborn babies. If and when pregnant mothers drink at the expense of their unborn babies, don’t they depict themselves as selfish and inhuman? Which is better, believing that it is safe to drink and jeopardize their babies’ lives or avoiding alcohol, which means avoiding the risk? The same way abortion is inhuman to the fetus, drinking alcohol is no less. Why insist on a drink that will ruin the entire life of your baby?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Medics and other human developmental specialist agree that alcohol can cause fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS). FAS is a disorder of the offsprings born of mothers who drink alcohol during pregnancy. Sadly, this disorder is permanent birth defects. â€Å"Alcohol crosses the placental barrier and can stunt fetal weight or growth†. It can also cause facial stigma, damage brain structures and causes other mental physical and behavioral problems like attention deficit disorders, impulsive behavior and poor memory. The prenatal alcohol exposure damages the developing brain cells and structures. This causes malformed and underdeveloped brain structure resulting in primary cognitive and functional disabilities. It also causes secondary disabilities for instance drug addiction and mental health problems. With such complications, mothers-to-be should avoid alcohol. (Http://   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Remember the risk of brain damage exists during each trimester since the fetal brain develops through out the entire gestation period. While prenatal exposure to alcohol does not ways result in FAS, abstaining from alcohol use is essential due to the risk involved. Research findings show that FAS is the leading known causes of mental retardation in the western. In the USA alone, FAS prevalence is estimated to be higher than any other developmental disabilities such as Spina bifida and Down syndrome. Again, the lifetime medical and social cost of each child with FAS is estimated to be about  ¾ million dollars. (Http:// Does this provide a cogent reason why pregnant mothers should avoid alcohol consumption?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Growth deficiency and CNS damage are major symptoms and complications that make FAS serious. Mother-to-be should realize alcohol is a teratogen- there is no clear consensus as to what level of exposure is toxic. Amount, frequency and timing of prenatal alcohol affect the impact of FAS. Ulleland (1972:123) says, â€Å"FAS require comprehensive and multi-model approaches to ameliorate the negative effects†.   Since FAS is a syndrome, the complexity of medical and other interventions applied in treatment of multiple disabilities caused by FAS make it a risk worth avoiding not daring. (Ulleland, 1972:123)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Pregnant mothers and their counselors or attendants should know that FAS has no cure and no treatment can prevent alcohol from affecting unborn babies. Worse still is the fact that caring for a baby with FAS takes patience. These babies can be too sensitive to light and sound. Feeding may also take extra time and energy as the baby may have problems sucking. Their thinking, reasoning and language skills may be impaired. (McCreight, 1997:58).   With all these downsides, how can mothers justify their use of alcohol!   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     With such evidence, anyone would be justified to conclude that pregnant mothers should, if they care for their unborn babies and for themselves, avoid alcohol. We have seen that prenatal alcohol is perilous to unborn babies and therefore should be shunned by all means. Abstinence from alcohol is the best. Works Cited Any alcohol a risk in pregnancy Accessed on line on 21st November 2007 18:13: 48 GMT Buddy, T. A guide to Alcoholism. / Pregnancy and drinking.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Http:// Accessed online on 21st November 2007 1:40:15 GMT. Committee on substance abuse and committee on children with disabilities   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Pediatrics 106(2) 358-361. 2000. McCreight, B. (1997).Recognizing and Managing Children with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome/Fetal Alcohol Effects: A Guidebook Chapter 10. Washington   DC: Child Welfare League of America Inc. Ulleland, C.N. The offspring of alcoholic mothers. Annuals new book   Ã‚   academy of science. 197 PMID. 1972 Streissguth, A.P. (1997). Fetal Alcohol Syndrome: A guide to families   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   and communities. Baltimore U.S.: Brookes Publishing Company.