Friday, November 29, 2019

SWOT Analysis of Cedarville Jail

Introduction A mission statement provides an organization with direction, and assists in formulating strategies. As the new CEO of Cedarville jail, I will need to review the current mission statement in order to reflect the organization’s desired goals.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on SWOT Analysis of Cedarville Jail specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In order to write a mission statement of an organization, one needs to analyze the organization, with SWOT analysis method that examines strength, weakness, opportunities, and threats being the commonly used. The analysis helps to examine the internal and external factors affecting an organization (Bohm, 2009, p. 2). Thus, this paper will use the SWOT analysis tools to evaluate Cedarville Jail, and then develop its mission statement. Furthermore, the paper will also provide the jail’s statement of key objectives. SWOT Analysis Strength The jail has adequ ate housing facilities for both juvenile and adult inmates, in addition to superior security technology. Having been recently built, these facilities do not require expensive repairs or maintenance. Similarly, there is adequate support from governments and other stakeholder. Indeed, the government is willing to allocate additional revenue to the management of the jail. Besides, I have been provided with adequate time to effect the changes, with the assistance of my deputy. Weakness The major weakness facing Cedarville jail is the morality of personnel and their lack of proper training. The prevailing organizational culture is that of macho, rather than care giving and rehabilitation. Additionally, the jail lacks important amenities namely counseling, chaplain and library for both inmates and staff. Further, the financial status of the jail is in disarray, with the financial accounting department in need of restructuring. Another factor affecting the prison is reported case of drugs and substance abuse by personnel. In addition, there is inequality in recruitment of staff in the jail, with women exclusively being employed in the lowly clerical jobs only. Opportunities The jail usually benefits from substantial amount of grants from federal and state governments, thus has an opportunity to rehabilitate juveniles without financial strain. The jail also has the opportunity of cutting its operational costs by outsourcing certain services such as gardening, cleaning and janitorial services.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Threats The management of juvenile is under review, which can result to introduction of voucher program where juveniles will be moved to other facilities. However, the Cedarville jail will loss substantial amount of funding if this program is approved. Moreover, the county supervisors require changes in the jail to be effected in three mont hs. Mission Statement A mission statement outlines the direction a company wishes to follow (MyStrategicPlan, n.d). Thus, mission statements should capture the organization’s core purpose and motivate all stakeholders to achieve set goals (Talbot, 2003, p.10). The mission of Cedarville jail is to provide safe and secure environment for incarcerated persons, facilitate their rehabilitation through competent personnel. Statement of key objectives The mission of the jail will be attained through the following objectives: to train the workforce on appropriate methods of handling and rehabilitation of inmate, and provide necessary education and rehabilitation programs for incarcerated persons. Others include seeking to collaborate with local community to facilitate integration of ex-convicts in the community, and aiming to continuously improving security in the jail to prevent breakouts or suicides. Conclusion Generally, an organization’s mission statement addresses the pur pose of the organization, organization’s goals, and the reason why an organization exists. This statement helps to develop the organization’s goals and strategies. Additionally, mission statement should be concise and easy to understand. Before formulating a mission statement, a comprehensive evaluation of the organization is necessary, with SWOT analysis being the most commonly used model of evaluation. References List Bohm, A., 2009. The SWOT Analysis. Berlin: GRIN Verlag. MyStrategicPlan. N.d. Developing Your Mission Statement. Nevada: MyStrategicPlan.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on SWOT Analysis of Cedarville Jail specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Talbot, M., 2003. Make your mission statement work: identify your organization’s values and live them every day. Oxford: How To Books Ltd. This essay on SWOT Analysis of Cedarville Jail was written and submitted by user Cortez Washington to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

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