Wednesday, January 8, 2020

The Pros And Cons Of Eating - 759 Words

Oh, Im sure you can think of some ways to repay me. Callums flirtatious tone matched hers and he raised an eyebrow as he dumped his books on the desk, starting at Bailey momentarily, before he broke out into a wider grin. Such as allowing me to steal your notes. The girl was definitley attractive and as far as Callum could see, without making too obvious an effort to judge, in case of being caught, had a nice body. No wonder shed attracted the attention of the guys at the party, especially if shed been as friendly towards them as she was to him. Most guys would want to fuck her, and the man was already beginning to gain confidence that if he played his cards just right, hed be given that opportunity. And, thats precisely what†¦show more content†¦Im afraid being the Sheriffs son meant I had a deprvied childhood. No comics allowed. But I did sneak a little Batman in from time to time on tv, so have to say hes my favourite. Spiderman...well. He shrugged, Dont know him well enough to say, but Ill take your word for it, but for mermaids? This time, he did glance down, his lips curling up into a smile when he brought his twinkling blue eyes back up to hers, Whilst tails are, I think Id prefer a nice set of legs. Mr Davies, would you like to share your conversation with the rest of the class. Liebenstein had obviously walked in without him noticing, and the mans terse tone gave him a jolt of surprise. He rolled his eyes at Bailey and mouthed, Told you. Sorry, Mr Liebenstein. The sarcastic tone of his voice making it obvious he wasnt sorry at all, he nudged Baileys leg under the table and opened up his books, watching out of his peripheral vision as she scribbled a note, the Professor starting to drone on. When she slid it across and he read it, the mans eyebrows raced in surprise, and his pumped just a little faster. He definitely hadnt expected her to be the one to askShow MoreRelatedThe Pros And Cons Of Eating970 Words   |  4 PagesKohen looked up at the waitress. She was about their age, maybe a little older, with sandy blond hair streaked with a purple that matched the plasma flow beneath her. She had striking green eyes that complemented her flushed cheeks and wore a short black skirt with buttons on the side with a vibrant, tight red blouse. Meford ordered a Professors Regret right off the bat and asked for a menu. Kohen smiled, guess he wasnt planning to take it easy tonight for there was no stronger drink. 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